While the term EXPRESS usually refers to a shipment being delivered the next day (nationwide), STADTKURIER delivers the shipment immediately, on the same day within the city area. As a rule, this is done within 1-2 hours.
Unlike other courier service providers, our service is available for companies as well as individuals.
Our goals and our striving for quality are very high at SAATKARY CARGO . So we are constantly working on ourselves, educating ourselves and developing forward as a whole company, so that we can work on the pulse of time and satisfy our customers again and again.
For long-distance and direct shipments, we deliver and pick up throughout Europe.
Our city courier offer is available in all major German cities.
Individuals can pay online or on site by card or cash.
Corporate customers can additionally choose purchase on account.
All shipments we transport are insured. If something breaks and you want to have the damage replaced, our transport insurance will reimburse you for the damage.